Shopkins Party and Craft ideas:
How To Make Shopkins Earrings Jewelry
Shopkins Crochet Idea
DIY Shopkins Snow Globe Shopkins Shelves
Shopkins Paper Plate Craft Ideas
Shopkins Birthday Party
Birthday Party Ideas on Shopkins

You should include some foods in the shape of Shopkins characters as well, like popsicles, cupcakes, marshmallow pops, sandwiches, candy sticks, fruit kabobs, cookies, muffins, etc. along with the birthday cakes. Some food items and drinks are inflexible with these Shopkins characters, so, try to keep those items in the containers which decorate with the theme. In this way, you can apply the Shopkins theme with those components easily, which were hard to convert as a Shopkins personality earlier!
Though Shopkins characters come up with a 1-inch height and 1-inch width, yet, you can apply this theme to bigger objects, especially while making crafts on this theme. Like, yarn crafts, snow glove shelves, Mason jar crafts, paper plate crafts, etc. some girls like to wear Shopkins earrings in a Shopkins party theme to relate the theme more affectionately. To craft such things, you just need to make two earrings with a solid surface in any shape and shade, then just add or decorate those earrings with facial features and add lumps to them and it’s all ready to use!
Shopkins Birthday Party Ideas
Shopkins Birthday Party Entry Way Balloon Decor
Irresistible Shopkins Party Ideas
Shopkins Birthday Party Ideas Its a Market
Shopkins Birthday Party Cake Ideas
To decorate the party hall you should use vibrant or colorful objects which must have facial features as the Shopkins characters. Whether it is the food menu, the food court table, the hall embellishments or the party appliances!
Birthday Party Cupcakes
Shopkins Themed Birthday Inspiration