Bottle caps are one of the simplest components to use as a craft material, as you don’t need to cut or bend it, just assemble them into your desired shape and stick them with glue. Thus, this object considered as one of the preferred elements for kids as well as all craft makers, who love […]
Tag: recycle crafts
15 Simple Butterfly Crafts & Cake Ideas for Kids
The butterfly is that beautiful creature, which perpetually lures us with its natural beauty, especially the kids, despite the fact that it is just a flying insect! This bright and colorful bug not only captivates children with its real existence but, at the same time, it mesmerizes them with its artificial form as well! Thus, […]
Some Easy and Nice DIY Newspaper Wall Hangings and Décor Craft Ideas
The newspaper is that element which doesn’t have any requirement after the precise date; thus, we always use this one as a trash object of our house. But, do you know that these trashes can be used as a remarkable component to make some pretty wall hangings or nice home décor items! Well, let us guide […]

43 DIY Wine Cork Craft Ideas: Upcycle Wine Corks into Decor Art
We always comes up with some simple and eye-catchy craft ideas that can be made with frequent objects. If we are discussing easy and beautiful crafts with simple materials then, it can’t happen that we wouldn’t mention the wine cork component! As wine corks are one of the commonest materials that could be found in […]