DIY Homemade Playdough Recipes for your Kids

Play dough is one favorite element for playing of the utmost growing kids in the recent times. Several parents allow this playing object to play with, because of its amazing flexibility. You can give any desired shape of your play dough in any preferred way, and the most applauding part of this component is that it instigates the constructing power of your kids secretly! As they can insert other objects into the soft body of play dough and could turn it into a different stuff effortlessly. Here are some easy and simple procedures to make some play dough in a DIY way with some homely ingredients, especially for those parents who are always worried about their kid’s health. So, let’s check out some play dough recipes with safe and secure ingredient-

Homemade Playdough


To make some play dough elements at home, take ½ cup of warm water, 1 cup of flour, ¼ cup of salt and 3 to 4 drops of natural food coloring. At first mix, the flour and salt, add the warm water with the food coloring drops. Now pour the colored warm water into your flour slowly and start to knead until you make a soft dough from it. Now make some big balls from that dough and keep your children play with those items without any anxiety.

Play Dough Recipe


Easy Long Lasting Homemade Playdough


If you want to make your play dough a long lasting playing object then, add 1 tablespoon of oil and 1 tablespoon of tartar cream along with salt and food coloring into your warm water and cook for 4 to 5 minutes over low heat and then add the mixture into the flour. If your play dough is made with these ingredients, your kids can easily use it for more than 1 year without any drawbacks!

Bath Time Play Dough


Calming Homemade Playdough


Fruity Scented Playdough


 Playdough for kids


Easy Homemade Playdough Tutorial


Easy Homemade Playdough Recipe


Fairy Dust Play Dough


If you have a girl kid or toddler then, you must be aware of the unconditional love of them about fairies! They love the fairy touch in every single thing they use, hence play dough is definitely is not exceptional from that list as expected! So check out a simple fairy dust play dough recipe for those fairy lover kids.

To make this dough you need, only 1 cup of conditioner, 2 cups of cornflour and 1 tablespoon of pink glitters, that’s it! Now just pour the conditioner and the corn flour in a bowl and mix well then add the pink glitters and knead until the dough is completed properly. Your glittery fairy play dough is all ready to accompany you in your magical plays!

How to Edible Homemade Play Dough


How to Make Playdough with Koolaid


Making play dough with Koolaid or Kool-Aid is very rare to see the procedure in which you need to add Kool-Aid in your flour mix along with 1 tablespoon oil, salt food coloring. Now just add warm water into the mix and knead repeatedly until making the soft and flexible dough come from it.

How to make Playdough


Lavender Scented Princess Pack Sparkle Playdough


 How to make playdough at home


 Easy Playdough at home


For any flavored play dough like fruit scented or flower-scented pay dough you can add ½ tablespoon of essential oil in your warm water then add that water in your flour mix.

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