We have previously instructed you on how to make pressed flower candles in our preceding candle article. Today, we are going to enlighten you about how we can make colorful layered crayon candles at home with DIY process, check this out-
Before you start this project let us tell you one thing. This project we came across on lot of sites showed this candle may look pretty but its not working as it should be. But we are confident with our other DIY candles you find here at our site.
DIY Candles with Pretty Layered Crayon colors
- At first, assemble required elements for this item and they are candle wicks, some uncolored and cheap candles, with candle holders, crayon colors as per your choices, a knife, microwave safe cups, and a glove.
- Now, at the initial stage put the candles in the microwave oven at 350 degrees temperature for 20 minutes to melt down your candles. Don’t forget to place them into the microwave safe cup to avoid any kind of accident.
- During this period, take the crayon colors, remove the covers and put them into small containers after cutting them into small pieces.
- After that, take the candles which must have melted completely for the heat. Wear your glove now to protect your hand from the unbearable heat of candles.
- Now, take one pot of melted wax and pour it into one container where you put crayon pieces. Do the same with the other crayon containers as well and mix the liquid wax with the crayon finely.
- This pouring segment is not easy to do and sometimes it gets really messy too, but we will suggest you to do the steps carefully as much as you can!
- Now you get colored candle waxes in several shades, right? Ok then, we can jump to our next step which is melting again of these crayoned waxes and for that, put these containers into the microwave tray and heat them again for another 20 minutes.
- After that, take out the tray carefully and immediately pour them into the empty candle holders.
- To place them into the candle holders we need to follow a simple procedure, especially when we are looking for colorful layered candles. At first, take one candle and place the empty candle container over the candle in an awry manner.
- Then, pour one colored liquid wax into the empty pot in a triangular
- Again heat these pots to melt down the materials and tuck those candle wicks into those containers. Place one wick in each pot and place them again over a big candle holder in an awry shape as we did before!
- Now, pour the second color into those holders and don’t forget to place the holders in a reverse way this time!
- After that, straighten all the pots and pour the third or final color into those containers and it’s all ready to use when it dries out properly.
People, who are seeking for straight layers can place their candle pots parallel while pouring liquid waxes into the holders. So, just light them up and get a trendy view to our room instantly!