Garlic is a kind of plant which has a pungent bulbous edible root that much utilized in cooking for spice and flavor. This is one of the most flavorsome plant roots that hugely needed for the utmost scrumptious recipes, whether it is an Indian dish or an Italian preparation, a Chinese menu or any other continental item! Consequently, you will be immensely beneficial if you can cultivate this functional plant in your own garden area, right!
We have instructed you how to grow vegetables like tomatoes, cilantro in your own backyard through some of our previous articles. Then, why don’t you try out this spice as well in your area following some utterly simple steps, as garlic is one of those plants which grow easily in any circumstance! Let us enlighten you about the cultivation procedure of this plant in this article ahead, check out the process below-
Growing Garlic: How to Sow Garlic Plants?
Before starting the planting process, you must decide the place, the season, and the precise category of a garlic species. Place and season basically depend on again the category of the garlic plants, as the softneck garlic grows best in mild weather, while the hardneck produces finely in winter. However, after deciding the season, depending on the category, you should prepare the field which has to be well-drained with a bit of humidity. Now, let’s check out the planting procedure below-
- At first, prepare the soil in your desiring place by using compost and manure along with the garden clay. Make sure that your soil has a proper drainage system and getting adequate sunlight at the place.
- Now, take the cloves from a sprouted garlic to sow into the soil. This plant grows from the cloves instead of seeds, thus, it is necessary to choose fresh garlic with bigger cloves when you are going to use its cloves as the seeds!
- After breaking the cloves from a fresh garlic head, place each clove into the soil to a depth of 2 inches deep from the ground. Make certain that you leave a space of at least 7-8 inches between two cloves while planting them in a row to ensure that you are giving them enough places to grow up properly.
- Now, cover the soil with some mulches incorporating dry leaves, hay, rotted grass, composts, etc. and wait for the germination. Before getting the germination, you need to fertilize your cloves several times as garlic plants require high nutrition to grow out of the cloves!
You may also be interested in growing tomatoes from seeds.
Related Garlic Planting Video
How to cultivate garlic plants – Taking cake of garlic plants and growing garlic in containers – When and how to harvest garlic bulbs – Tips on how to grow garlic plants.